Bare Oils boosts the wellbeing of families and the health of their homes by offering a powerful, pure, certified organic alternative to typical, store-bought personal and home care products.
There's an Oil for That!
Essential oils can do some amazing things, all from the power of nature. Whether you need help sleeping, want to relax and soothe that headache, or need help recovering from muscle soreness, we’re proud to say, “There’s an oil for that!”
USDA Certified Organic Essential Oils
Soil to Oil
Bare Oils is USDA certified organic from soil to oil. This means that everything from the soil in which our plants are grown, to the plants themselves, to the processing and bottling must adhere to strict regulations in order for our oils to surpass a 27-point quality checklist and to obtain and maintain the certified organic certification.
27-Point Checklist
Locally Sourced, Globally
Our organic sourcing happens locally on a global level, allowing us to purchase from independent farm owners from the farthest reaches of the globe. From Eastern Europe to India, China to Australia, South America to the United States and back across to the Mediterranean, these small farms help fuel local economies and allow us to deliver to you the purest, cleanest essential oils available on the market.
Life Force of Plants
What exactly is an essential oil? Essential oils are the true essence of a plant—a concentration of the life force that has allowed the plant to evolve and survive over the thousands of years that it has been on this planet. All the protective and healing properties and components are extracted and bottled, so that you may have a concentration of the purest benefits these plants have to offer, and so you and your family can use these properties to live a cleaner, healthier life.